


returns the list of variables representing the densitymatrix elements for an atomic system (list of AtomicState objects) sys.

Details and Options


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Basic Examples  (3)

Density-matrix variables for a system with no angular momentum:

Density-matrix variables for a system with Zeeman structure:

Density-matrix variables for a system with hyperfine structure:

Options  (7)

AllowedElements  (1)

List the density-matrix elements, allowing only those between states with and :

ComplexExpandVariables  (1)

Write density matrix variables in terms of real and imaginary parts:

Indicate real and imaginary parts using labels:

DMLabel  (1)

Provide an additional label for the density-matrix elements:

DMSymbol  (1)

Use a different symbol for the density matrix:

NeglectedElements  (1)

List the density-matrix elements, neglecting those between states with and :

TimeDependence  (1)

Remove explicit time dependence:

TimeVariable  (1)

Use a different time variable: