


is a parameter for AtomicState that parameterizes the hyperfine splitting of the state due to the electronic interaction with the nuclear magnetic dipole moment.


returns the value specified for HyperfineA in AtomicState state, or HyperfineA[StateLabel[state]] if it is not specified.

Details and Options

  • HyperfineA is considered to have units of angular frequency.
  • The hyperfine shift of a state with HyperfineA and HyperfineB denoted by and , respectively, is given by , where and , , and are the total, total electronic, and total nuclear angular-momentum quantum numbers, respectively.
  • HyperfineA is automatically threaded over a list of AtomicState objects appearing as its argument.


Basic Examples  (1)

Specify the HyperfineA parameter for a state with hyperfine structure:

Get the specified HyperfineA parameters for each sublevel:

The value of HyperfineA is used to calculate the hyperfine shift for each sublevel: