


returns data for an atomic state specified by spectroscopic designation spec from a database.


returns the data corresponding to a particular field, if it exists.


returns the list of atomic states for which there is data in the database.

Details and Options

  • The state is specified according to spectroscopic notation as {chemical symbol,atomic number,configuration,term and level}. The chemical symbol is a two-letter string, the atomic number is an integer, the configuration is specified as {noble core symbol,subshell1,subshell2,}, subshells are specified as {n,l,equivalent electrons}, with n and the number of equivalent electrons integers and l a single-letter string according to spectroscopic notation, and the term and level are specified as {multiplicity,L,J}, with the multiplicity an integer, L a single-capital-letter string, and J an integer or half-integer.
  • Supplying a partial (truncated) state designation returns the list of states in the database that match the partial designation.
  • Possible data returned for the state include the following:
  • Abundance natural abundance of the isotope
    AtomicNumber atomic number of element
    BranchingRatio[spec] branching ratio to state specified by spec
    ElementName full name of element
    ElementSymbol chemical symbol of element
    EnergyMega/Secondenergy of state in angular frequency units
    HyperfineAMega/Secondhyperfine- constant in angular frequency units
    HyperfineBMega/Secondhyperfine- constant in angular frequency units
    J total electronic angular-momentum quantum number
    L orbital electronic angular-momentum quantum number
    LifetimeNano Secondradiative lifetime of state
    NaturalWidthMega/Secondtotal radiative decay rate of state
    NuclearSpin nuclear angular-momentum quantum number
    Parity parity of state
    S spin electronic angular-momentum quantum number
    Wavenumber1/Centimeterwavenumber corresponding to energy difference from ground state
  • The option StateLabel supplies a state label to be added to the data field names as an argument.


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Basic Examples  (1)

Data for a state of hydrogen:

Just the Parity data field for this state:

All states of rubidium for which there are data:

All states of rubidium-87 for which there are data:

Options  (1)

StateLabel  (1)

Specify a StateLabel for the data field names: